Framingham Community Vigil

On December 1st Framingham FORCE will host a vigil to remember all those lost from substance use disorder.
Saturday, December 1, 2018 at 4 PM – 5 PM
Join Framingham FORCE as we remember those who lost their lives due to substance use disorder and support their families.
We will start in Scott Hall hearing from those who have lost their loved ones. Then we will proceed to the Common to place purple flags representing every individual who lost their life in Massachusetts in 2017 due to the opioid epidemic.
We will hear from a person in recovery who has lost many people close to her, including most recently a fellow Framingham resident who lost her struggle while in early recovery. We’ll also place purple flags on Framingham Centre Commons and host a candle light vigil. After the placing of the flags, we will invite the community to a short reception.